BajitoBlog is a collection of writings from within my personal life and my work to build a better underground society for all members of the community who do not necessarily fit in with mainstream standards, lifestyles, behavior, etc. I believe we can be our own person, a good and peaceful person without having to conform to mainstream society. In the words of Albert Einstein, my cerebral hero, 'Del you are on the right track' - don't ever let nobody get you down...'

My Photo
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Some people think i live a fascinating life although i strive to be as humble as i can. but i found that if i ever give it all up - many people would be let down and many people would give up their own personal struggle if they ever see me give up or quit. believe me i have wanted to quit my work a million times and secretly i did. i would say 'no more of this' i'm going to sneak away and start myself a new life like other people have in the real world. then i would get a letter from a kid i never even met or an inmate somewhere i didn't even know and they would tell me how wonderful it was that i was doing so much for others and because of my struggle they had turned their lives around. man i hated those letters i would say to myself MAN! I hate it! i have not gotten five minutes into my new free from the struggle life and yet if i ever did leave it - these two lives may not have ever felt some love in their lives. life is so good when you let go and let God. it took me so many years of fighting to let go and let God rule in my world. Now i just follow Him and my life is so simple i can actually say i enjoy it! :)

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Go to the above link and check out all the cool things you can buy there - it is unlike any estore anywhere - with every purchase of really cool stuff - you help us help someone else.


God Bless Each and Every One of You! Especially our soldiers in the trenches of progress in a world without peace and hope. May your lights continue to shine into the darkness of others!


Saturday, December 30, 2006


This time of year is a great reunion of Bajito Onda Old Schoolers coming together with some stand up new partners in the lucha (struggle). I don't feel like i'm alone in the struggle any longer. Don't get me wrong I still feel like and I still am struggling. Guess you could call us as my boy Raskal who is stationed for life without parole put it.... We are tha 'Strugglas' as opposed to 'hustlas'. I was a trial consultant at Raskal's capital murder trial out in Amarillo, Texas back in something like 1999. I wrote a story called 'Children Lost to Violence' for Raskal and his Mother, a broken illiterate non English speaking woman who had been handed nothing but bad hands in this life. Raskal is a product of some of those hands. He calls me affectionately "His Chingona" aka "His Guardian Angel" because even though I was paid a lot of money to consult with his attorney Kent Birdsong I pulled him out of death row and Texecution to a life without parole sentence. I guess I am a Chingona because his case was a horrible one and not only did his mother lose him to prison but the girl who was murdered was also lost forever to her parents and family. It was a bloody mess of a murder that culminated with her body being put on railroad tracks outside of town and being run over and decapitated five minutes later by a train. I will never forget those forensic and coroner's pictures - NEVER. Therefore I will never stop working in prevention and education and if i lose them to prison I will send love behind the bars and let them know that I am the Chingona for all of them - because when I was behind bars - there was no one out here to shine the light of hope and therefore I left prison a broke and angry violent person. No more. Tonite we give Thanks to God for having rescued me from the path of recidivism and further destruction. For that I give thanks that Marka27 came back into my life even though he no longer graces the walls of Dallas with his art and tagging. Because i held the first ever graffitifest here in Dallas way back around 1998 or so I met Marka27 as he goes by and I met Soutchay aka Chosen One. Marka now is in Boston living after he received a scholarship and graduated from Boston Art College, then he went on to work in California and created some wild projects. Now he's back in Boston and back here in Dallas for the weekend. We met and he is going to produce some of the art for the Official Bajito Onda Clothing Company Line soon to launch as soon as I am pleased with the art to be submitted to Changes who now holds the license I signed with them.

Yesterday we were sitting around the office here and UPS brought in a huge box. I asked our driver Marcus who it was from. He said Godiva Choclates. I said, 'come on now Marcus' who really is it from? It was our other licensee Bioworld Merchandise Corporation who now holds the license for the headwear. So pretty soon BOCC is gonna be on the racks of all your favorite stores. So start saving up now to represent the first ever Spanish name clothing company in Americas.

Our business here for the past month has been really slow, but we are praying that sales of the clothing line and sales directly to stores around the country will help us fund more projects to help more people around the world.

We are now establishing ties with other African countries in order to spread Bajito Onda Africa Foundation around to children who have known nothing in their lives except beatings and begging for their very existance. There are hundreds of thousands of children in this condition and I pray soon we will bring Senegal Director Mao Ndiaye here to train so we can take equipment back there and open training centers for women and children.

Well take care and know you are loved. We appreciate you coming here and reading about our lives and our struggle.

Keep on with yours and know if you ever need a friend - we are here.

Happy New Year! 2007


Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I find it interesting that after not writing in this blog for a long time except of course for the journal i just wrote below this post. I did not realize it was this date. I somehow knew when i entered prison that one day (did not figure it would be this long however) that things would somehow be all right. I feel this is finally the year that things will be all right. i hate to say it but i do have to agree with the folks who know me, i feel that i deserve a break after all this time of dedicated determination. i may not be the brightest bulb on the shelf but determined i am. i do not believe that all persons who go to prison are bad. i wasn't a bad person, i was a depressed person who got a bit too loose with my self-discipline that my Army Colonel Father Logan Brooks Hendrixson had beaten into me. What was i thinking anyway? When he died i think, well i know... a huge part of me died with him. i cried for two solid years for my dad. nothing would ever bring him back and i knew how final death finally was.

i did not realize just how good i had it being free with my depression until i got arrested with my depression and added to the paranoia, the guilt, the disbelief that it could and most definitely would happen to me .... prison.

entering prison this day in 1982 was the absolute killer. imagine two days after Christmas. well... that's enough. it just brings back memories every year that will never go away. not for me nor for anyone who ever goes through it.

God Bless you and I pray this will be a good year for you - after all you deserve it too!



Its really too late and I'm too tired to write very much of what has been going on over this entire year but I will highlight just a few of the mighty miracles that can and do happen if you stay focused (is twenty years too long to stay focused?) I realize I haven't been all that faithful sometimes to Bajito Onda. Sometimes I actually used to think I could turn away and focus on something else - but I was wrong. It has cost me many worldly luxuries such as a place to call home (for the past two years its been motel was home) cheap only $80 a month actual cash and the rest paid in printing. Thank God for my printing talents and skills. Also thank God for teaching me to barter skill for everything. Well at least we are not any longer living in the old metal building warehouse where someone was getting killed out front every few days or so - not to mention the nite I woke to flames 30 feet in the air across the street at the neighbor business place. I saved the whole block because I was living inside there then by calling the fire department.

well anyway... So this year... Wow its been a wild and woolly ride I'll tell you.

Beth has been the only constant support I have had this entire years. Armando has done a great job keeping the work flowing in and out of here as we have just tried to keep the rent paid on our new and very fancy offices up and off of the deadly and wreckless streets of Dallas in Denial Big Time Texas. Oh there's no crime here - the police chief has a rather noble goal for crime in 2007. For murders to go down 10%. With the body count rising here they will be using bulldozers to clear them pretty soon if we don't get some real help here or bullet proof vests one.

But as long as opulence and vulgar wealth rule our world here the bodies just go unnoticed unless that is - they begin piling up in the rich sides of town. Oh well, i'm not a magician so i can only do what i do and love those who are still amongst us while we got them here.

I want to say that a once very violent Aryan Circle gang member who was practically raised in prison since he was 13 has now been out about a year and a half and he's still out here - hasn't assaulted anyone lately and i think there is hope he can finally make it. he came by here and we covered up some of his swastika tattoos with crosses and he is almost acceptable to look at. Jason Sandoval. I'm proud of him and he knows i love him - no matter what.

Last year the Dallas Observer finally Observed what i was doing over here on the south side of Dallas and Rick Kennedy wrote a very good article about me. Coulda been a whole lot worse - if you know how they can blast people. I made it out pretty clean and the article actually helped my struggle a lot. Now a whole more people know who Bajito Onda and street soldier Del Hendrixson is. Since i refuse to lay down to society they better get used to looking at me and all the hundreds of thousands we now have in Bajito Onda.... around half a million strong and growing each day.

Brown and Proud records - look them up on or go to our main site and hit the link to their page - its a little wild and i've been catching some flack about some of their records and videos.. what people gotta understand is that while i don't condone other people's actions, i will allow them to represent Bajito Onda in their world so that no matter where we are we are there for those souls lost in the madness of the violence of the world today. and i can't think of a better or safer place to be than on a webpage reaching out to all the homies in gangs, on drugs, or involved in whatever they are into nowadays. What i'm most impressed about BNP is they are producing a music video about Bajito Onda starring (not me certainly) but Mr. Pato (as in quack quack) he is cool, sounds great, dreamy looking and got none o that attitude about him. of course he's served his time in TDCJ as well so he's out here makin it in the music scene and for that i support him and BNP. Our common friend Breed as in Half-Breed introduced us and also the other boy Chucky as in Cheese - who is firing up Bajito Onda Community Car club which will be organized very quick.

SCARFACE CLOTHING COMPANY OUTTA NY has officially licensed BAJITO ONDA CLOTHING COMPANY ( ) as the first ever SPANISH NAMED clothing company in the USA. My long time boy MARKA27 who used to graff on the walls of east dallas - got a scholarship to Boston Art College then graduated and headed for work in Los Angeles is working on the designs with his partner Werc of LA. Also got Chuco working on some designs and Soutchay. All have been down with BO for many years. However if you know somebody who is super bad with urban art have them hit me up at right away. I want to see all i can see in art for the line. Thanks to Russell Holt of the World Trade Center Dallas for discovering us one day when I walked into his showroom to ask if maybe he might want to just sell some of our shirts for us - he did us a whole lot better - he put us right in touch with Changes of NY who produces Mickey Mouse, Popeye, and all the Universal Studio shirts like Batman, Spiderman, Barney, Bart, Godfather, Superman, etc) from there it has been a very quick rise to the top - the only thing holding me back is now i want us to come up with art just for the launch of the clothing line - at all the world trade centers - miami, new york, dallas, los angeles and chicago. Seems the whole merchandise industry has been going crazy looking for a Spanish Named clothing line to sell to the raza in tha ranflas...

BIOWORLD has also signed us up to produce our lines of headwear, belts, bags, buckles, etc. all for worldwide mass market distribution. they are the ones who produce and distribute worldwide all the gear for Orange County Choppers, Miami Ink, hart & hunnington, and on and on ...corona, misfits, coke, etc. etc. so that's great news for us - just gotta get the art fitting up on each silouette of the hats. we want to launch beanies, velvet fedora, fidel castro, and baseball flatbill. thanks to bioworld and jennifer, kevin, raj, eric and dave.

In August 2006 I was invited to speak to a conference in Monterrey Mexico. it was called Encuentro Mundial Joven - World youth encounter. Wow was that a production and a half. I found out later they spent $1,500,000 - a million and a half dollars for a three day international conference. We had dinner every nite with the governor of Nuevo Leon, Gov. Natividad Paras. I told him that i can meet with him easier and more frequently than with the mayor (her goddess) of Dallas .. Laura what's her name. i've never been able to meet with her - even when i'm standing in front of her at a photo op. no access here in dallas - what a shame. the conference in Mexico was very productive and once more i met with persons from 32 different nations who all expressed great interest in Bajito Onda Educational Programs. Carlos Castresana of Spain with the United Nations office of Crime an drug prevention was on a panel with me along with my appointed director of Bajito ONda Mexico and Latina Americas, Antonio Melin were very supportive of Bajito Ondas pioneering work in the field of gang prevention and intervention.

While in Mexico i Met movie producer Adolfo Franco of Kenio Films based in Monterrey Mexico and Hollywood Cali. After sharing some conversation I was asked if i would like to sign the rights to my life story. Hmmmm, i thought about it for half a second and said sure, why not? I signed the movie deal in September and they should begin putting it together after the first of 2007. They are somehow related to Lionsgate, Mel Gibson / Apocolypto etc. Seems Hollywood is doing a lot in Mexico now and with most of my life revolving around some sort of latin something or other somehow it seems appropriate. I have to say Orale! Vamos hacerlo!

Well anyway... that is about it for now...

i'm even tireder now - and oh i completely forgot about Bajito Onda Africa - as strange as this may seem I have appointed a new Director For our Africa Educational Centers Programmes - and I am currently working with an office of Congress to bring him here to the world headquarters (yes that's what we call it now) for trainings so we can then go back to Africa and open high tech computer graphics production traiNING CENTERS IN SENEGAL / DAKAR to begin with. His name is MAO NDIAYE and for the past year and a half he has been travelling around the Continent under my direction so we could study the atrocities of African Children, in Liberia it was the child soldiers, in the Gambia it is the abused girls, and in Sierra Leonne it is the orphans of war, and in Senegal it is the beggar children like Mao used to be when he was a young boy. ... read the African Blog and you will read all about his wonderful findings and work. I pray he is here with us in the next couple months before february.

God Bless, and if i forgot it - i'll just have to come back later and write some more. I am also planning to begin writing books.... what should i call them? where should i begin?

Good Nite,

Hugs of Hope,
