BajitoBlog is a collection of writings from within my personal life and my work to build a better underground society for all members of the community who do not necessarily fit in with mainstream standards, lifestyles, behavior, etc. I believe we can be our own person, a good and peaceful person without having to conform to mainstream society. In the words of Albert Einstein, my cerebral hero, 'Del you are on the right track' - don't ever let nobody get you down...'

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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Some people think i live a fascinating life although i strive to be as humble as i can. but i found that if i ever give it all up - many people would be let down and many people would give up their own personal struggle if they ever see me give up or quit. believe me i have wanted to quit my work a million times and secretly i did. i would say 'no more of this' i'm going to sneak away and start myself a new life like other people have in the real world. then i would get a letter from a kid i never even met or an inmate somewhere i didn't even know and they would tell me how wonderful it was that i was doing so much for others and because of my struggle they had turned their lives around. man i hated those letters i would say to myself MAN! I hate it! i have not gotten five minutes into my new free from the struggle life and yet if i ever did leave it - these two lives may not have ever felt some love in their lives. life is so good when you let go and let God. it took me so many years of fighting to let go and let God rule in my world. Now i just follow Him and my life is so simple i can actually say i enjoy it! :)

Saturday, December 30, 2006


This time of year is a great reunion of Bajito Onda Old Schoolers coming together with some stand up new partners in the lucha (struggle). I don't feel like i'm alone in the struggle any longer. Don't get me wrong I still feel like and I still am struggling. Guess you could call us as my boy Raskal who is stationed for life without parole put it.... We are tha 'Strugglas' as opposed to 'hustlas'. I was a trial consultant at Raskal's capital murder trial out in Amarillo, Texas back in something like 1999. I wrote a story called 'Children Lost to Violence' for Raskal and his Mother, a broken illiterate non English speaking woman who had been handed nothing but bad hands in this life. Raskal is a product of some of those hands. He calls me affectionately "His Chingona" aka "His Guardian Angel" because even though I was paid a lot of money to consult with his attorney Kent Birdsong I pulled him out of death row and Texecution to a life without parole sentence. I guess I am a Chingona because his case was a horrible one and not only did his mother lose him to prison but the girl who was murdered was also lost forever to her parents and family. It was a bloody mess of a murder that culminated with her body being put on railroad tracks outside of town and being run over and decapitated five minutes later by a train. I will never forget those forensic and coroner's pictures - NEVER. Therefore I will never stop working in prevention and education and if i lose them to prison I will send love behind the bars and let them know that I am the Chingona for all of them - because when I was behind bars - there was no one out here to shine the light of hope and therefore I left prison a broke and angry violent person. No more. Tonite we give Thanks to God for having rescued me from the path of recidivism and further destruction. For that I give thanks that Marka27 came back into my life even though he no longer graces the walls of Dallas with his art and tagging. Because i held the first ever graffitifest here in Dallas way back around 1998 or so I met Marka27 as he goes by and I met Soutchay aka Chosen One. Marka now is in Boston living after he received a scholarship and graduated from Boston Art College, then he went on to work in California and created some wild projects. Now he's back in Boston and back here in Dallas for the weekend. We met and he is going to produce some of the art for the Official Bajito Onda Clothing Company Line soon to launch as soon as I am pleased with the art to be submitted to Changes who now holds the license I signed with them.

Yesterday we were sitting around the office here and UPS brought in a huge box. I asked our driver Marcus who it was from. He said Godiva Choclates. I said, 'come on now Marcus' who really is it from? It was our other licensee Bioworld Merchandise Corporation who now holds the license for the headwear. So pretty soon BOCC is gonna be on the racks of all your favorite stores. So start saving up now to represent the first ever Spanish name clothing company in Americas.

Our business here for the past month has been really slow, but we are praying that sales of the clothing line and sales directly to stores around the country will help us fund more projects to help more people around the world.

We are now establishing ties with other African countries in order to spread Bajito Onda Africa Foundation around to children who have known nothing in their lives except beatings and begging for their very existance. There are hundreds of thousands of children in this condition and I pray soon we will bring Senegal Director Mao Ndiaye here to train so we can take equipment back there and open training centers for women and children.

Well take care and know you are loved. We appreciate you coming here and reading about our lives and our struggle.

Keep on with yours and know if you ever need a friend - we are here.

Happy New Year! 2007



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