BajitoBlog is a collection of writings from within my personal life and my work to build a better underground society for all members of the community who do not necessarily fit in with mainstream standards, lifestyles, behavior, etc. I believe we can be our own person, a good and peaceful person without having to conform to mainstream society. In the words of Albert Einstein, my cerebral hero, 'Del you are on the right track' - don't ever let nobody get you down...'

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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Some people think i live a fascinating life although i strive to be as humble as i can. but i found that if i ever give it all up - many people would be let down and many people would give up their own personal struggle if they ever see me give up or quit. believe me i have wanted to quit my work a million times and secretly i did. i would say 'no more of this' i'm going to sneak away and start myself a new life like other people have in the real world. then i would get a letter from a kid i never even met or an inmate somewhere i didn't even know and they would tell me how wonderful it was that i was doing so much for others and because of my struggle they had turned their lives around. man i hated those letters i would say to myself MAN! I hate it! i have not gotten five minutes into my new free from the struggle life and yet if i ever did leave it - these two lives may not have ever felt some love in their lives. life is so good when you let go and let God. it took me so many years of fighting to let go and let God rule in my world. Now i just follow Him and my life is so simple i can actually say i enjoy it! :)

Monday, February 07, 2005


Please feel free to express yourself? We have just been joined by a Sociology Major going for his Professors Title and he will be coming up with an evaluation questionnaire so that we are able to track our successes and our losses in this work to educate not incarcerate those who have passed through Bajito Onda's Global Doors. I figure over the years i have worked with thousands of persons and you may be one of them. If you are, please let me know how your life has been affected by my work and my dedication to this work. I am the first life Bajito Onda turned around so it is very important to me to share the love with others in hopes they will get something out of it and also change their life before they end up like i did, in prison or even worse off. Its winter time and some days are cold and some are not. i love all weather, even when it rains or snows it never really matters to me. i learned that when i was 'sans freedom' that even when it was a sunny day - it seemed gloomy to me inside of that razor wire. the day i was let free the air just seemed cleaner and lighter - i know it sounds crazy but that was the way i felt inside there. yesterday i was sitting here typing and i heard something rustling in the dog's bowl and i went to see what it was. it was a huge Texas style rat. it looked like a mini me possum i swear. i shooed it out of here and back into the warehouse. i tossed the dogs bowl out with it so it would not be invading my personal space. this place is like living in a terrerium (sp?). we have geckos, lizards, rats, spiders, and well this one is the killer... we even have snakes. i know, i know... it freaks me out too, but there is really nothing we can do about it until we get out of this building. and believe me that has been my goal for about the last five years. pray for us that someone helps us get out of here. i just hate it. last nite was great, we went to a Marriott Courtyard up by the Dallas North Tollway. My friend at Ballys Corporate office donated it to me and Beth. Poor Beth, she is disgusted by all this, after coming from a state (Maine) where there are very few bugs, no snakes and other mini wildlife doesn't exist in the cold weather. Also since there is only a metal roof here - there is no TV either. something we both miss and yet don't miss. I am expecting the African delegation to arrive one of these days and they really freeze coming straight from Africa to a Texas winter! It was kind of funny when my 'son' Amidu Mansaray came here the first time (only time so far). He practically sat on the gas heater the whole time... finally after three weeks he started adjusting to it and then he had to return to get the chapters in Africa started. He has done such a great job. I"m so proud of him.
Well that's all for tonite... Take care of yourself and thanks for stopping by. Leave your info so we can get you to take the questionnaire (its not personal) its about your life - even if you never met us before... you are important to our future works for kids and communities. God Bless, - Del


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