BajitoBlog is a collection of writings from within my personal life and my work to build a better underground society for all members of the community who do not necessarily fit in with mainstream standards, lifestyles, behavior, etc. I believe we can be our own person, a good and peaceful person without having to conform to mainstream society. In the words of Albert Einstein, my cerebral hero, 'Del you are on the right track' - don't ever let nobody get you down...'

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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Some people think i live a fascinating life although i strive to be as humble as i can. but i found that if i ever give it all up - many people would be let down and many people would give up their own personal struggle if they ever see me give up or quit. believe me i have wanted to quit my work a million times and secretly i did. i would say 'no more of this' i'm going to sneak away and start myself a new life like other people have in the real world. then i would get a letter from a kid i never even met or an inmate somewhere i didn't even know and they would tell me how wonderful it was that i was doing so much for others and because of my struggle they had turned their lives around. man i hated those letters i would say to myself MAN! I hate it! i have not gotten five minutes into my new free from the struggle life and yet if i ever did leave it - these two lives may not have ever felt some love in their lives. life is so good when you let go and let God. it took me so many years of fighting to let go and let God rule in my world. Now i just follow Him and my life is so simple i can actually say i enjoy it! :)

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Teddy is a lovely young man. It was love at first sight when we were introduced at the UN Conference in Monterrey in October. It was at the Governor's Palace and quite the palatial setting...When the tour buses carrying all of us arrived outside the pristine compound we were ushered into the courtyard with fountains, waiters in white gloves carrying around the snooty little trays with ordourves (sp?) wine, whiskey (as the Mexicans said) and of course all the overly made up, dressed up Mexican dignitaries.... as i looked around the garden setting it was if i was in my dream home / office. Lots of round tables sitting all under the surrounding overhangs and something I will never forget - faces of all races, literally - all sprinkled at the tables with around 5 or six persons at each table. I could not dare sit still and miss knowing everyone there. I sat down for one second, grabbed a few handfulls of hordourves (how do you spell that word anyways?) and i was off to network. I was dead tired from my BUS TRIP! down there to Monterrey (how embarrassing) but hey, i was there! As i went from table to table, meeting people who were from Chile to the tiny 3,000 inhabitant island of Saba in the Caribbean, i met people from the UN offices around the world from Kenya to Brazil and Mexican governmental officials from the Governor of Nuevo Leon to the City Purchasing Director.

It was about that time that Antonio Melin, my first official "Bajito Onda Son of Mexico" and the President of Bajito Onda Mexico and Latin Americas - (A title I gave him a few years back and he has slowly grown into).... well Antonio came up to me and (as he has always done... he took me by the arm and said - there is a special table i want you to meet - I said 'wow! really?' I thought surely it was President Fox or someone higher than I was already schmoozing with. He and i speak only Spanish to each other since Antonio is sort of a wannabe English speaker..... He took me over to a table and he proudly presented me to the table of MARASALVATRUCHAS - Ahhh, Salvadoran gang members... As we approached their table they were sitting there in formal looking attire throwing gang signs. Hmmm, i thought, Antonio loves these guys because these are 'our guys' who we love to see turn their lives around and help others. Me being white, they thought.... What tha????? But when my Spanish came out and i shook hands with them street style their eyes opened up so bright and smiles covered all our faces and they said.... 'oh yea!!!' That was when Teddy from Honduras became my soldier for the whole event. I could not get him away from me no matter how hard i tried. He wanted to serve me and Bajito Onda as if it were a lifesaving gang mindset. He had played right into it. Teddy and i spent much time together every time we saw each other. I went to their presentation at the Conference - 'From the inside of the Marasalvatruchas' - understanding the needs of true gangmembers and how to reach us. Teddy and Ernesto from El Salvador (another true love) both had been immigrants from their countries, both were recruited innocently into the vicious LA gang life of their families before them, both were shot many times and both spent time in the courts and in prison until finally both were deported to their countries. Ernesto became the Salvadoran branch of based in LA and strung to ES. A great guy older than Teddy and walking with crutches due to his rough gang life in LA. Well Teddy and Ernesto really bonded. Teddy still writes as i have placed his letter below. It is in Spanish.... central American spanish - a bit different from Mexican but if you use to translate it just copy and paste it into Bablefish and it translates it pretty good. you will see that Teddy is becoming a point of light in the darkness of Honduras where he is trying to help prisoners and gangmembers to find employment, get real help in a court system that IMPRISONS PERSONS JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE TATTOOS - NOT BECAUSE THEY COMMIT A CRIME - i plan someday to go to Honduras and walk side by side with Teddy in his lucha / struggle to help others like himself. God Bless You Teddy - Stay Strong!
-----------------here is his letter - he's quite funny and forces me to pay him special attention as you can see here! And of course i do because he is such a special son to me - to count now - i have probably over a thousand sons around the world.... and growing!
ok Del asi si megusta que te espreces no solo un pinche saludo amiga - :)

Hola corazon saves estoy muy alegre por que te allas dedicado un poco de tu tiempo para contestar mis caprichos de que tu me escribas mas de un saludo saves te boy amadar fotos de todo lo que estado asiendo en Honduras bueno luego te escribo on poco mas por que maƱana es un buen dia iremos a la capital de Honduras que se llama tegusigalpa a defender unos homis
que los capuraron la policia por un pinche articulo de la ley penal anti maras que acreado es este gobierno y tenmos todas las ventajas y savemos que no los madaran a prision por que los fiscales conocen nuestro trabajo y me siento muy alegre cuando el proseso legal de esta ley les ganamos estos casos luego te cuento lo que paso bueno mira mi celular es 373-09-72 y el de la
oficina es 550-20-69 horas de oficina de 9;00am,a 5;00pm
saludes a toda la raza de bajito onda

By him giving me his phone number - that means now i have to call the boy - who i will do but also puts a drain on me because international calls can be very expensive. More why we need donations to help us.

here is my reply back to him.... sorry i don't have time to translate for you....
Saludos Mi querido Teddy,

Que fantastico que eres haciendo gran differencia en las vidas de tus homitos alli - favor de dales un gran abrazo departe mia - diles los cabrones que algun dia mi van aver alli en tu mero turf de los maras. yo mero. :)

pues tambien cuentame que le paso siempre a Ernesto, mi otro querido homie de los meros ????? dile el que mi escribas, eh?

pos entonces te voy a hablar por un rato nada mas para escucharte en vivo y en color! tan guapo que eres!

bueno soldado frente y fuerte,

te mando mi carino, mi respectos, y todo mi apoyo mijo por la lucha mas dificil que ningun pandilla - la lucha por los rechazados, oprimidos y los prisioneros....

a mis prisioneros diles que les mando un saludo muy especial y que nunca DIGO NUNCA!!!! PARES DE MARCHAR POR LA PAZ Y LA UNIDAD DE NUESTRA GENTE!

Quiero un retrato donde tienes mi playera amarillio puesto!

hasta despues mijo...



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