BajitoBlog is a collection of writings from within my personal life and my work to build a better underground society for all members of the community who do not necessarily fit in with mainstream standards, lifestyles, behavior, etc. I believe we can be our own person, a good and peaceful person without having to conform to mainstream society. In the words of Albert Einstein, my cerebral hero, 'Del you are on the right track' - don't ever let nobody get you down...'

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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Some people think i live a fascinating life although i strive to be as humble as i can. but i found that if i ever give it all up - many people would be let down and many people would give up their own personal struggle if they ever see me give up or quit. believe me i have wanted to quit my work a million times and secretly i did. i would say 'no more of this' i'm going to sneak away and start myself a new life like other people have in the real world. then i would get a letter from a kid i never even met or an inmate somewhere i didn't even know and they would tell me how wonderful it was that i was doing so much for others and because of my struggle they had turned their lives around. man i hated those letters i would say to myself MAN! I hate it! i have not gotten five minutes into my new free from the struggle life and yet if i ever did leave it - these two lives may not have ever felt some love in their lives. life is so good when you let go and let God. it took me so many years of fighting to let go and let God rule in my world. Now i just follow Him and my life is so simple i can actually say i enjoy it! :)

Monday, February 14, 2005


Monday, February 14, 2005

Dearest Guys – I am writing after what seems to be an eternity. I apologize for not having answered some of you back in your personal requests / demands  for me to personally write each and every one of you! Red you know who you are .

I want to thank you guys for your wonderful participation in the Prison Art Gallery. Some of you have been hitting home runs financially if you know what I mean. I know one of my brothers has been sent around $250 or so for a period of about sixty days. Some of you new guys are coming on with us and sending us incredible work, especially your leather work.

I want to have a heart to heart with you – so go get a cup of java and sit down for a minute and kick it with me. You all have been filling me in on your lives, whats going on etc. I need to do the same but I cannot do it individually I hope you understand… and no it does not mean that I am selling out on you.

I need to let you know how much you all mean to me and to this foundation. Afterall it is for you – that is why I do not keep one cent of the money I get when I sell your items. I send it all to you minus the 50 cents or whatever for a postal money order.

Let me get a few things clear…. MS. HALLMAN OF THE PAROLE OFFICE IS NOT HOOKED UP TO THE PAROLE BOARD. SHE DOESN’T HAVE A THING TO DO WITH IT. When I mentioned that I work with her sometimes I meant that she refers me some parolees to do community service with BO and to learn printing skills in the meantime. DO NOT SEND ME TO GIVE TO HER ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR CASES. SHE WILL THROW IT AT ME IF I WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO GO DOWN THERE AND STAND IN FRONT OF HER AND ASK HER TO LOOK AT IT. She does not know you unless she knows you already and if you are in prison that is not what she wants to hear so she will only get frustrated at me. I already suffered this thing with my now good buddy Louis S. and after me and him butted heads (that boy has got one hard head – not to mention mine as well so we might as well just forget about it and get along) – Louis really got under my skin with all that crap about me being a professional art gallery – now LISTEN TO THIS… I AM NOT ANYTHING NEAR A PROFESSIONAL ART GALLERY. I AM AN EX CONVICT AND I CARE ABOUT YOU SO THEREFORE I’M JUST TRYING TO SHOW THE FREEWORLD WHAT WE ARE MADE OUT OF – I’M NOT OUT HERE WITH SOME SNOOTY FOLKS WALKING AROUND SIPPING WINE AND EATING CHEESE. I made a tattoo studio where all kinds of folks are getting tattoos and while they are there – I have hung your art and collections on the metal urban walls and sometimes they are buying it. When I sell something we run to the PO and we fire off a MO straight to your hands. If you ain’t getting money its cause we’re NOT selling your crafts. Its not cause I’m not trying or cause I don’t want to or cause I don’t think your art is great but its just because enough people have not heard about the gallery yet to begin to collect and support it. Now some of you are sending in a lot of pieces. Frankly I have nothing against that. I love your work and as long as it is thoughtful, artistic craft work (not cookie cutter mickey mouse and tweety bird patterns) then I am honored to receive it. My boy Alberto Perez sent in three ladies clutch purses and bam! They sold in five seconds… plus I need you to hear me on this one… I THINK THAT IF WE CAN GET SOME BEAUTIFUL BIBLE COVERS AND THIN TALL WALLETS NOT REAL THIK ONES – with the Virgin of Guadalupe on them and ALSO WE NEED SOMETHING BLACK ON THEM IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY. SOME OF YOU MESKINS MAY NOT WANNA DO BLACK CRAFTS BUT IF YOU WANNA MAKE MONEY THE BLACKS OUT HERE AIN’T INTO THE VIRGIN – IF YOU GET MY DRIFT. They are requesting some black type theme art – like MLK – family scenes, etc. I am not creative you are - but I do hear what they are telling me – now Big Red bless his little pointed head sent me the most beautiful Desk Plaque for my desk – its so big I can hardly see over it but its on my desk! Red you just gotta get in there somehow… While I’m picking on Red I do want the brother to have some of my deepest respect and love for his earnest and always fired up efforts to get the piddlers behind this gallery. Me and Red have been kicking it for a long time – and this I think is a joint effort between us. Red you done good my brother. I have been talking to the sister now my good friend with Prison Fellowship Kathy Maltz and maybe I’m going to go down to Coffield and do one of my in prison prison scared straight talks …… I’m just kidding – lighten up already will you guys???? Sheesh I know that already ruffled some of your hair on the back of your neck… yeah right, eh?

I have been asked back at the Roach Unit up at Childress, TX sometime here in the near future. I love to get into prison every chance I can and let our guys know how much you mean to me. I used to be there myself and therefore I want you to know that I do know how it feels and I will never sell out on you or turn my back or walk away from you. Your light is shining brighter out here than ever before. Please I ask you to have patience with me and not to jump to conclusions as sometimes ‘convict thinking’ will cause us to do. That deep sinking insecure feeling when we feel like someone has left us for good or cheated us or stolen from us when we are down. I know that feeling my brothers… I know it all too well. No matter if I am out here – it hits me in the face all too often and each time it hurts like the last time. We have all been burnt – but know in your heart that I will never burn you – we may not always get along… but I am trying the most I can do out here with not much support. If you are in Cali or Texas – know how much this organization is growing because of your love and support.

The kids out here want me to tell you hello and thanks for them – because you are giving of yourselves to let others know you do care about these kids and the ones I’m out here trying to keep from heading into the gates. Today some juniors at Molina HS in Oak Cliff brought over some Valentines Balloons to Bajito Onda for all we do for kids. It made me so proud and happy that we are truly making a difference in kids lives!

Well anyways, so I have another thing I want to ask you guys – can you please send me a list of all the crafts you know of so I can try them out out here. I do not know what you have access to or what you can get to make things out of. Now I’ve got everything from paint can birdhouses from my buddy Esteban – and No I am not going to take those into the parole office either – they will once again kill me. Those women are so particular on what they allow into their offices – if it isn’t about their college sorority and all their children’s and family’s pictures, it ain’t gonna be from me either. Man I already know those women down there. It took me about two years homies to even get through their tough walls enough to just get them to talk to me like I’m FIRST) NOT A CONVICT SECOND) NOT ON PAROLE THIRD) NOT IN PRISON FOURTH) NOT AN IDIOT FIFTH) NOT ATTACKING THEM VERBALLY AND SO ON AND ON. YOU GET MY DRIFT – turn around to that friendly CO OR SGT down the hall and think of striking up a friendly conversation with them… and that is what you are asking me to deal with out here.

Now I want to fill you guys in we now have a new office we are trying to move into – pray for us that it happens. It will be 4,000 square feet for $1,200 a mo. Where we are now is in three different offices and its killing me paying so much and not having any help.

Now I met this woman from Houston, and she has signed on to become our full time grant writer, funding director and disbursement officer. The woman has studied grant writing and is actively working with us to push us over the top this year. I cannot do what she is doing for us – I do not have time or brains to do it. So if any of you want to write her and say thank you for helping us – I’m sure she will be touched. Please leave the ‘lonely prisoner looking for a sexy single hottie penpal’ out of it cause she’s married with two little ones – but I would like you to write a sincere and of course respectful note to her – her name is ‘D’ – and no its not me just wanting an ego stroke!

I was on tv a while back on Fox 4 news and a homie from Chi saw me and he has written two books about his life in the gang lifestyle. He contacted me and is now writing my life story as Bajito Onda - in book form. His publisher in chi already is interested in publishing it so I’m happy we are getting that going also. This is gonna be our year homies!

Say Esteban I wanna tell you I really enjoy you sending me the Echo paper – its refreshing to hear your news too – not just always mine.

Say Andrew and Mita Mita – what’s going on up your way?

Rev Ramon Salcido in San Quentin, I send my love out your way and I pray the doors of Q will open for me this year – it is one of my goals this year is to make it out your way…. Another scared straight talk eh? ;) just kidding homie…. Say thanks for the great artwork – please see if you can send some more from some other homies also and put something in them if you can with Bajito Onda – San Quentin - I think we can get more press and more public interest with it like that.

Any of you doing some art with a big Bajito Onda into it at the top of it in ink will most likely end up with it on a shirt for our clothing line. I’m trying to get some art like Rollin Hard if you know what it looks like… cars, women, guys, jesus, brick walls, whatever, but keep it clean and cool and we should be fine…. Esp if you can design it with a black background and white ink or lettering – then I can print it firme on black shirts.

Till later…..

Now even though I do not write you all the time back and forth does not mean I do not love each and every one of you. Bear? How you doing? Sorry I too have not had a chance to write you. But I’m out here trying to get a real penpal thing going for you all – but its gonna take like a mini department to do it. Also I have met finally with Pastor Rose of Rose Ministries – last week she came over twice. I think she was afraid to come meet me but we had a nice lunch and visit and she hung around with us for most of a day. I think she has been sick and not over again. She is welcome to come and hang out – but with all she is trying to do with her ministry I doubt she can devote much to helping BO.

Now I got you handled Adan in regards to your arte. Pastor Rose is supposed to bring it over tomorrow to me…. Same day I try to mail this out. For those of you who got a Valentine’s Card – I hope you enjoyed it – for those of you who didn’t please forgive me – I’m trying to perfect a way to be more efficient. Now let me once more tell you Adan, that even when I have all your art here – I cannot do the list upon list thing – or all you needed from Rose. So let me know and I will simply box up your things until I hear from you what you want me to do with them knowing that I am too busy to do a whole lot of cataloging and all that that should go with being a real gallery owner. Since I am not – I need some sort of legal exemption from all those requirements. Its like this… I mark your stuff and put the price on it – I do not want a penney other than the MO cost. Do not insist… it is more problem than I can deal with to start deducting percentages out of each sale – If I like your art that much and if I have the time and money I will simply print some shirts of it and send your family a dozen of them – but other than that I am so busy I can barely think straight.

About the Houston thing…. I am considering seriously either opening a branch office there since D is already stepping up to the plate and forming the Houston official chapter. Or else I’m even considering if it works out – moving there lock stock and barrel. Still not sure about that one but its sure a possibility at this time in my life and struggle.

Now guys, take care,

I’m sleepy and tired and its late, but I did want you to know I was thinking about you and I care about you – so please return the favor… your prayers are always welcome!

Hugs to each of you!



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